This module enables students to extend their knowledge of, and capacity to act in, a range of common industrial relations situations. The emphasis is on the practical application of union and legal rules and third-party procedures. One option might be “Industrial Action”.
On completion of this module you should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the principal collective procedures and third-party structures available for the resolution of workers’ issues or grievances, including legal rules where applicable
- Demonstrate a practical application of procedures and rules in a specific setting, for example in the taking of industrial action.
- Demonstrate awareness of the potential for clashes of interest between involved parties.
There will be no set text for this module, but learners will be expected to use those from core modules as directed, and will be guided to / provided with other relevant materials. These typically will include specialist reports and government or other appropriate websites, for example www.workplacerelations.ie.
Here’s something you might be asked to do in an assignment in this module:
Write a short briefing note advising the legal provisions surrounding the taking of industrial action including balloting arrangements
This is an elective or optional module in the Trade Union Studies Certificate programme worth 5 credits. It will be delivered by way of five 3-hour night classes; 3 full day classes or a combination of each.