SIPTU College now offers one-day introductory sessions for newly elected representatives or for activists in newly organised employments. These can be held at short notice in any part of the country and are ideally suited to small groups. During that one day, we will introduce you to SIPTU, its origins, history and structure. You will also explore the main functions of a union activist. These are organising, negotiating and representing individual members.
If you are a newly elected workplace representative or a member in a newly active workplace, this course is for you. Contact your SIPTU Organiser to arrange a course in your area.
Entry requirements: You must be a SIPTU member and nominated to attend the course by your SIPTU Organiser.
Certification: This course does not lead to any award but it is useful preparation for our other training. See our Basic and Advanced courses.
Support: All SIPTU College courses are taught by experienced tutors who combine their own trade union experience with appropriate academic qualifications. As a participant on a SIPTU College course you will have access to, an online portal through which you can access course notes, multimedia content, quizzes and links to relevant course material in order to reinforce classroom learning.
See our Learner Handbook for more details.