Our Basic Activist training helps you as a workplace representative to fulfil the various roles associated with being a rep:
- organising colleagues into the union
- communicating effectively with the members you represent
- understanding what happens at negotiations and helping your SIPTU Organiser to prepare for these
- representing individual members through the grievance and disciplinary procedures at work
You will benefit most from this course if you are familiar with your own collective agreement or even bring one along with you to the course.
There are no academic requirements for this course and there are no written exams or assignments. Your SIPTU Organiser can negotiate paid time off from work for you to attend this course or you can attend it in your own time. It is usually run over three consecutive days but we can vary this to suit local requirements.
Each year there is a Basic Activist Course in every SIPTU Office. Contact your SIPTU Organiser to find out when the next one is offered in your area or keep an eye on our schedule here.
Entry requirements: You must be a SIPTU member and nominated to attend the course by your SIPTU Organiser.
Certification: There is no award associated with this course but attendance is counted towards our Advanced programme.
Support: All of our courses are taught by experienced tutors who combine their own trade union experience with appropriate academic qualifications. As a participant on a SIPTU College course you will have access to SIPTULearn.ie, an online portal through which you can access course notes, multimedia content, quizzes and links to relevant course material in order to reinforce classroom learning.
See our Learner Handbook for further details.