The aim of this module is to enable students to explore and understand key labour market and social issues. Learners will explore the organisation of interests and influence in modern Ireland, with particular reference to organised labour.
On completion of this module you should be able to:
- Demonstrate how power and influence are exercised by organised labour and business interests.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of how work and reward is distributed in society
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the role played by political institutions and parties and make some basic international comparisons
- Source and interpret information relevant to the syllabus content, and demonstrate an ability to communicate this to a variety of audiences
Cooper, M. (2012), How Ireland Really Went Bust, Penguin, Dublin
Have a listen to the SIPTU College podcast on precarious work here
Here’s something you might be asked to do in an assignment in this module:
Write a short report mapping employment at your workplace or in your community with regard to sex, occupation, pay hierarchy and any other relevant demographic data.
This is an elective or optional module in the Trade Union Studies Certificate programme worth 5 credits. It will be delivered by way of five 3-hour night classes; 3 full day classes or a combination of each.